Psychology| Major
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts
About the Psychology Program at Lake Erie College
The Psychology Major at Lake Erie College is designed to deepen personal understanding of human behavior as well as mental health processes. The program offers foundational knowledge for those pursuing careers in psychology or preparing for graduate school.
While a career in psychology typically requires further training, many students go on to pursue graduate studies. Psychology majors are strongly recommended to complete an internship (PS 250/350). Internships provide hands-on experience and introduce students to various careers in the field, including opportunities with juvenile courts, shelters, psychiatric clinics, and rehabilitation agencies. Eligible students are also encouraged to join Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, and the Psychology Club.
Requirements for the Major
The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology requires 42 semester credits, including the following courses:
General Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Physiological Psychology
Research Methods
Abnormal Psychology
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Psychology Research Seminar
Psychology Group 1
In addition, students must complete 15 semester credits from the following options:
Child Psychology
Social Psychology
Human Sexuality
Psychology of Learning
Adulthood and Aging
Juvenile Delinquency
Cognitive Psychology
Psychology and Law
Special Topics in Psychology
Internship in Psychology
Individual Investigation in Psychology
Optional Concentrations
Forensic Psychology Concentration
Forensic Psychology applies psychological principles to issues in law and the legal system. Courses include:
Criminal Law and Procedure
Landmark Cases in Mental Health and the Law
Constitutional Law
Psychology and the Law
Requirements: Students must complete the same courses as the Psychology major plus 12 additional semester credits:
Criminal Law and Procedure
Landmark Cases in Mental Health and the Law
Constitutional Law
Psychology and Law
Psychobiology Concentration
This concentration combines biological and physiological processes with an understanding of behavior and mental processes from a psychological perspective.
Requirements: Students must meet all requirements for the Psychology major, plus 15 additional semester credits, including:
Introductory Biology I
Introductory Biology I Lab
Introductory Biology II
Introductory Biology II Lab
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
Group 1 (Pick 1 course):
Evolutionary Biology
Animal Behavior
For more information about Psychology…
Susan Culotta, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
School of Business and Social Sciences
College Hall