Lake Erie College’s Creative Writing Club Thrives with Literary Magazine and| Celebrated Guest Authors
Creative writing is thriving at Lake Erie College! The Creative Writing Club has been actively fostering a community of passionate writers, regularly meeting in the Lincoln Library to share their work, learn from one another, and find inspiration. Now, the club is taking its ambitions of erudition to the next level by launching a new literary magazine, Erie Echoes: The Literary Magazine of Lake Erie College, offering students the opportunity to submit their poetry, short stories, and creative works for publication.
The Creative Writing Club has also hosted esteemed guest authors to provide valuable insights into the worlds of writing and publishing. In February, the club welcomed two nationally recognized authors, Mary Grimm and Laura Walter, who joined a virtual meeting to share their experiences and expertise. Mary Grimm, an award-winning author known for Transubstantiation, Left to Themselves, and Stealing Time, has had her work featured in The New Yorker. Laura Walter, author of Body of Stars and Living Arrangements, is a founder of Literary Cleveland’s Gordon Square Review and host of the Page Count podcast. During the session, the authors provided guidance on overcoming writer’s block and navigating the publishing process.
The club is also celebrating the publishing achievements of its members and advisors. Dedicated club member A.J. Cloutier will have her poem A Kid Again published in Polaris Literary Magazine: An Undergraduate Journal of Arts & Literature at Ohio Northern University.
Club advisor Dr. Amy Kesegich is also gaining recognition for her poetry. Her poem At Starbucks with Frankenstein’s Monster will appear in the Winter 2024-2025 edition of The Comstock Review, while her poem Egret Among Geese is set for publication in the Summer 2025 edition of The Connecticut River Review. Dr. Kesegich also earned Honorable Mention in the Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Poetry Contest and was a finalist for the St. Lawrence Book Award, sponsored by Black Lawrence Press.
The Creative Writing Club at Lake Erie College continues to be an inspiring hub for students passionate about storytelling and poetry. For more information about the club and how to get involved, contact club president Mackenzie Meeker at