1. Arts, Humanities, and Honors
  2. English

English| Major

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts in English

Program Overview

The English major is designed for students seeking a strong foundation in British and American literature as part of a liberal arts education. This program is ideal for those interested in pursuing graduate studies or complementing another field, such as history or communication.

Major Requirements

Students must complete 44 semester credits, including:

Core Courses (15 SH)

  • Principles of Critical Analysis (3 SH)

  • Major British Writers (3 SH)

  • Major American Writers (3 SH)

  • Studies in Shakespeare (3 SH)

  • Senior Research Project (3 SH)

  • Literary Theory and Criticism (3 SH)

English Group 1: British Literature (9 SH Required)

Choose three courses:

  • The Neoclassical Age (3 SH)

  • The Romantic Age (3 SH)

  • The Victorian Age (3 SH)

  • Old English and Medieval Literature (3 SH)

  • Tudor and Stuart Literature (3 SH)

  • British Modernism and Contemporary British Literature (3 SH)

English Group 2: American Literature (6 SH Required)

Choose two courses:

  • American Literature to 1865 (3 SH)

  • American Literature, 1865 to 1914 (3 SH)

  • American Literature, 1914 to Present (3 SH)

  • African-American Literature (3 SH)

  • Multi-Ethnic American Literature (3 SH)

English Group 3: Electives (3 SH Required)

Choose one course:

  • Composition Theory (3 SH)

  • Linguistics (3 SH)

  • Journalistic Essay (3 SH)

  • Creative Writing: Fiction (3 SH)

  • Creative Writing: Dramatic Forms (3 SH)

  • Creative Writing: Poetry (3 SH)

  • Studies in World Literature (3 SH)

  • Women’s Literature (3 SH)

  • Internship in English (3 SH)

For more information about English…

Jennifer Swartz-Levine, Ph.D

Dean of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Honors; Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center

1 (440) 375-7456


Arts, Humanities, and Honors

College Campus | Royce Hall

English Faculty