Convocation Welcome | President Jennifer N. Schuller
Good afternoon. Like those who spoke before me, I want to welcome you to Lake Erie College. To all of you students in the room, whether you are a first-year college student or it’s your first year at Lake Erie College as a transfer student, I too am beginning my first year as your president. And as Dr. Kinnaird encouraged you to make your mark, I think it’s really important to know about the place where you are going to make your mark. So today, I want to share a few tidbits of our history, our traditions, and our legend.
Lake Erie College dates back to 1856 and was one of the first colleges in the country to be led by a female president AND an all-female faculty. This is something that was unusually progressive at the time and, perhaps as a result, the women associated with Lake Erie College, then known as the Willoughby Female Seminary, became active participants in the women’s suffrage movement. We hosted highly acclaimed visitors, including Jane Addams and Susan B. Anthony, and there is a Women’s Rights Walkway in front of College Hall honoring many of the women who played a role in that important movement.
With all that in mind, I take my role as the first female president of Lake Erie College in 75 years, very seriously.
I share this with you because so many of our traditions stem from this history. Traditions like Field Day, being celebrated this coming Sunday. Although Lake Erie College became a Division II athletic institution in just 2009, the tradition of competition dates back to the school’s inception. The first Field Day was held in June 1898 and, in those days, attracted spectators from all over the country. Students participated in competitions such as wheelbarrow and sack races to basketball, tennis, equestrian activities, field hockey, polo, dancing, swimming, baseball, volleyball, croquet, and archery. Track and field events included the javelin, shotput, the 50 and 100 yard runs, broad jumps, discus, high jumps, and hurdles. Simply google Lake Erie College field days where you will see countless stories of women who held world records and were Olympians!
On Sunday we will attempt to re-create a modern version of this day here on campus with games, food, and camaraderie. I’ll be here and hope to see you!
Mountain Day is another tradition that dates back almost to the beginning. And while you might wonder why I’m telling you about Mountain Day today, later this fall you will appreciate it very much. For decades, Mountain Day was a surprise and the campus was notified in all sorts of creative ways. One year, President Weaver rode a horse throughout campus announcing Mountain Day. Another year, he hired a pilot friend of his to drop 1,000 ping pong balls on campus. These days, we kick it off by waking all our residential students with bagpipes and drums. The best thing about Mountain Day is you are excused from classes and encouraged to enjoy a day of rest and fun with your friends and faculty. We encourage you to participate in the planned fun including the famous treasure box hunt, late night dining, and more. We want you to have fun (but not TOO much)!
Founders Day follows in November, the first one held November 8, 1894. As its name hints, it was created to honor the Founders who helped bring LEC to Painesville. Descendants of the founders join us on this special day. The event usually includes a notable speaker, fun food, and more.
And these are just our traditions for fall semester! Give a Damn Week was inspired by our students who protested the Vietnam War and we spend the week celebrating our long tradition of activism. Tracy Dickinson Day honors a loyal and dedicated 1978 graduate. You will see her name on spaces throughout campus including Dickinson Hall, the administrative offices in the athletic center, Dickinson Tower in College Hall, Dickinson dining room in Holden, and Dickinson Lecture Hall in Austin. She certainly made her mark on Lake Erie’s campus, that’s for sure.
There’s Senior Week. The Tibby’s. Honor’s Convocation. And Commencement. Relish them all and enjoy.
While traditions are certainly important, legends are fun, too. How many of you know the story of Tiberius? If you “google” the top ghost stories of Northeast Ohio, the story of Tiberius appears and it goes like this. College Hall used to have an addition called Memorial Hall which was connected by just a corridor. In the early morning of April 13, 1957, a fire broke out. I have heard first hand from an alumna who lived there at the time that all of the residents were awakened by a barking dog. Thanks to this, all the women made it out of the Memorial Hall fire alive. The only problem was there was no actual dog. Thus the legend of “Tiberius” was born and is marked by the dog statue on the center of campus.
I will leave you with one final story that although I frame it as a legend, it was written about in the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday, October 29, 1901 – so it must be true????? This goes back to Field Day. Remember that spectators from all over the country came here to Painesville to watch Field Day games? One of these spectators was William McKinley, who became the 25th President of the United States. When he arrived on campus in 1893, then Governor of Ohio, the senior class made him an honorary member of their class by pinning his coat with their class flower, the red carnation. McKinley was so touched by this courtesy that, from that time, he always wore the red carnation at all public appearances. The students followed his career and when he was inaugurated as president, they sent him a large box of red carnations and, later, upon his assassination, they sent a box of red carnations to be placed near his coffin. In 1904, the State of Ohio chose the red carnation as the state flower of Ohio in honor of McKinley. And this all goes back to the young women of Lake Erie College. Talk about making your mark!
When I googled the “purpose of a state flower” the answer summed up everything we’ve said here today. A state’s flower symbolizes the essence and personality of the place or the characteristics of the people living there. Us. You.
Today, as you exit Morley, you will receive the first red carnation of many throughout your journey here at Lake Erie College. Allow these carnations to serve as reminders to be the essence of Lake Erie College. Bring your personality to the school. Make your mark—just as the students who traversed this campus since 1856 did.
For parents, we hope you will make your mark on Lake Erie College’s campus throughout your student’s journey. One time to do this is at the upcoming Family Weekend.
To families, as your president, I commit to being accessible to you and to help guide you. I look forward to seeing you in the dining hall, at athletic contests and plays, and many other places throughout campus. Students, my office is just next door in Kilcawley Hall. I have a comfy sofa and my refrigerator is always full of sodas and energy drinks. So if you are having a down day, pop over.
I look forward to seeing you throughout the coming year. Enjoy your day!